RA Challenge – Week 4

Last week’s questions in Guylty’s Richard Armitage fandom challenge were a bit tough, what with topics of love/hate, shipping and obsession! This week’s are pretty revealing too, though! And lead me to spend way too long looking at photos! Here are my answers to questions #22 to #26:

#22 The Character I’d Want as a Drinking Buddy:

Can I pick the real-life actor? I’d really like to sit down over dinner with RA and share a nice bottle of Pinot Noir…

But failing that, I was thinking about Thorin. He seems pretty adept at hoisting pints, singing a few songs, and telling a few stories. But now that I think about it, I bet he’d get all morose after a few!

So, “final answer”… I’d like to have that bottle of wine with Mr. John Thornton and see if after a glass or two the cravat comes off and the starched collar gets loosened!

#23 The Character I’d Want as a Nighttime Companion: Sorry, I felt compelled to change the words!

Hands down, that would be Sir Guy of Gisborne. Tall, dark and brooding, and towering above us whether standing or on a horse. And there’s just something about that sneer and the one-sided smirk. A hard man, but with a soft heart when it comes to the woman he wants.

guy smirk

Thanks to RichardArmitageNet.com

Crucible RobertDelamere-04Oct14

Credit Robert Delamere; RichardArmitageNet.com

#24 The Character I Find Most Relatable:

I find John Proctor to be very relatable. I understand the strong work ethic and the outspokenness that gets him into trouble. I get how you can make a mistake and beat yourself up for it over and over again. RA’s heartfelt portrayal shows just how much Proctor wishes for his wife to forgive him and how he knows he doesn’t deserve it. I can empathize with his struggle to do the right thing. And I can feel his growing anger and desperation at being in a situation that he cannot control. He ultimately regains control by refusing to give up the one thing that still belongs to him — his name — even though it means his death.

#25 Favourite Object/Prop in Context with a Character:

s2 guy with sword #3 cropped RA central

Thanks to richardarmitagecentral.co.uk (cropped)

Sir Guy of Gisborne’s sword is the prop that comes to mind. There is nothing fancy or embellished about it. It is sleek and yet powerful. It is always ready at his side like a faithful servant. It is an extension of his arm, and the actor who is a dancer moves with it gracefully. Unfortunately, at the end of Season 2, it is also the weapon of the character’s emotional destruction.


#26 Favourite Costume Worn by RA:

I love pretty much all of the costumes for Sir Guy of Gisborne. All in black, some leather and some not, some tight fitting and some not. They are a dark outer shell protecting a dark but emotionally vulnerable man. His hair is dyed black to match, giving an overall sinister and commanding projected presence. In Season 3, I like the billowing black shirt, which gives a much less controlled appearance when combined with the flowing locks of that season.

s3 guy

Thanks to RichardArmitageNet.com

… Looking forward to the final 5 questions in the RA Challenge.

3 thoughts on “RA Challenge – Week 4

  1. Pingback: RA Challenge – (Final) Week 5 | I'm Feeling This

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