Cheating on Armitage?

Another man has caught my eyes (and my ears) in a little secondary crush. Same age, same nape curls, same changeable blue eyes, same fondness for stretched out T-shirts.

How to tell Richard… how to tell him without hurting his feelings…

There’s been another man that I’ve needed and I’ve loved
But that doesn’t mean I love you less
And he knows he can’t possess me and he knows he never will
There’s just this empty place inside of me that only he can fill
Torn between two lovers, feelin’ like a fool
Lovin’ both of you is breakin’ all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin’ like a fool
Lovin’ you both is breakin’ all the rules
You mustn’t think you’ve failed me
Just because there’s someone else
You were the first real love I ever had
And all the things I ever said
I swear they still are true
For no one else can have the part of me I gave to you

43 thoughts on “Cheating on Armitage?

    • I used to love the song and it seems I still know all the lyrics! I didn’t know it was written by Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary. I think on oldies radio we hear more like the Eagles, LED Zeppelin, etc, not so much the sweet sounding ballads.


      • I think you’re right — and also that oldies radio shifts with the times — the sweet spot seems to be about 1978 now and eventually it will be all 80s, I suppose.

        re: cheating: I still occasionally look at pictures of Aidan Turner smiling. The problem is that I can’t really get into his interviews. His patterns of speech / thought are a serious turnoff.

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  1. the struggle is real 😉 I know nothing of Rob’s personality but I’ve always thought he was a good looking man with a killer singing voice; a combination that is hard to resist! you’re only human 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      • I was fascinated at the very first listening. But when one constantly comes back “to look hard” at the song lyrics, that proves its high worthy. This song will remain one of my ten best .

        Liked by 1 person

            • I should clarify: at the time I loved how Hilary Clinton cited it (critically) — to say she was doing her own thing. That came back to bite her in later years but when she said it, I was like, yes, Hilary, you tell us! and I still pretty much feel that way. (I never liked the song, even before that, but she gave me support in my dislike.)

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              • Different times, though, when she and Billy Sherrill wrote it. I think that the relationship between the sexes in marriage (in general) was on the cusp of changing. Old traditional roles being left behind and the liberation movement pushing for change. But what we saw on TV and in country music at the time was often clinging to the old attitudes. I don’t think Tammy actually believed the philosophy anyway, given that she was married something like five times. I think it was just a song.

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                • Regardless of your true pertinent comments, Servetus and Sue, it was funny to listen to it, while pointing your article. Have a nice “fin de semaine”!
                  (I don’t like French people using the word Weekend. So as a wink, with fun, in an English /American blog I write “fin de semaine”.)

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                  • I’m always a bit surprised by which English terms sneak into other languages. “Le weekend” doesn’t really sound good in French (something about the “ee” vowel, I think). It was also a word resisted in English when it appeared — seen as lower class slang and for a while in the early 20th c. you could tell someone’s social class by who used it.

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                    • Il y aurait tant à dire sur le sujet. Souvent les spécialistes en linguistique parlent des mots étrangers qui sont communément employés, aujourd’hui, sans discerner leur origine. (ex: anorak, atoll, avocat, banane, cacao, camarade, charlatan, chocolat, crabe, fjord, landau, marsouin, mohair, paquebot, pantalon, pedigree, polder, pyjama, robot, sirop, ski, tabac, tomate, tsunami, vague, wagon, yaourt … Quand un nom existe, à mon avis, il faut le préférer, pour conserver la richesse de la langue. Les canadiens français du Québec et leur mots très fleuris, sont pris en exemple. Mais il y a de moins en moins de francophones à travers le monde. Même au Japon, où la langue maternelle prime, l’anglais perce. Sans compter toutes les découvertes actuelles, où les mots anglais ou les abréviations y sont privilégiées.

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                    • I think it’s that the upper classes didn’t have a weekend — it’s a concept associated with factory workers and used by them (in the UK and US).

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                  • Just for clarity (and not that I mind), it’s actually an English/Canadian blog. 😊 I’m actually from Quebec originally, and with a French maiden name. BUT, living in Ontario for 29 years and Vancouver now for 18, I have to admit that my French language skills are very rusty! Fin de semaine definitely sounds much nicer than weekend, though.


              • Melania est l’actuelle archétype de toutes ses femmes d’homme politique qui restent à leur côté, malgré tout… Quelques-unes ont pris la poudre d’escampette, (quand elles en étaient capables) je félicite ses dernières.

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