Wolverine #5: Richard Armitage Speaks and Rolls on the Floor

**Minor Spoilers** So, finally, we are treated to some more substantial dialogue for Richard Armitage in Wolverine: The Long Night. His parts of the episode are really good. He is definitely a master of vocal disguise -- I believe that I would not have recognized this gruff-voiced, snarly North American guy, if I didn't already know who … Continue reading Wolverine #5: Richard Armitage Speaks and Rolls on the Floor

Rich’s of the Past: The Lords of the North Audiobook 

A new-to-me Richard Armitage character has just joined the ranks of my all-time favourites. And this character is not seen, but only heard! In the words of his boast asserting his warrior status, he is: Uhtred of Bebbanburg... The man who killed Ubba Lothbrokson by the sea... The man who spilled Svein of the White … Continue reading Rich’s of the Past: The Lords of the North Audiobook