Another Year; Another Birthday

guinea-pig-1969698__340Yesterday’s birthday was pretty low key. I’m so consumed with trying to help my youngest finish up his high school career (as well as with my work) that there is little mind power left to even think about a birthday. I asked him if for my birthday he could try to get out of the house on time, but instead I got to work even later than usual. Thank goodness for a flexible workplace.

the-traffic-light-1139919_640On the way to dropping him off at school, I was stuck at an endless (malfunctioning) traffic light. While my light remained red, the light on the larger street remained green, briefly going to yellow and then red before immediately going back to green… over and over. With cars to the right, behind, and across the street from me, I finally did the only thing I could. I made an illegal left turn on a red light onto a 4-lane street, while saying to my son, “Don’t ever do this!” Luckily, we survived and I called in the malfunction to the city.

I finally managed to get a bit into the birthday spirit when my colleagues surprised me with a cake (chocolate of course) and even sang “Happy Birthday”. They had signed a pretty card, too. A little later, my boss surprised me with some beautiful flowers and my second-in-command gave me chocolate fountain socks! (Funny, I had just been saying to another colleague earlier in the day that we should have a chocolate fountain at our big staff meeting in July!)

woman-1031000_640The best gift, though, was when one of my male colleagues in his mid/late thirties tried to guess my age. “How old is your son again?” he asked, and then was surprised that my older one is 24. He said, “Well, I figured late forties, but I guess then you must be early fifties.” Given that I turned 59 yesterday, the “No way!” when I told him that made me feel pretty good. Still got it! (No, that is definitely NOT me in the picture. This one, the traffic light and the bemused guinea pig are from Pixabay.)

I had asked my husband to barbecue some steaks, so he found some T-bones on sale and paired it with asparagus (my fave) and some small potatoes roasted in olive oil, salt, and garlic. Delicious.


My older son gave me a gift card for a clothing store I like, which means I have a shopping trip in my future! (Maybe I should try to shed some poundage first.) My husband, though, was apparently too busy to get me a present. Humph. Well, at least he got me a card and a bunch of flowers. (Present may come later.)


On the weekend, as part of my birthday celebration, we’re going to try a French seafood restaurant we haven’t been to before. It’s on the waterfront, but of course it’s supposed to be raining again by then. Oh well. At least the weather was nice on my birthday.


24 thoughts on “Another Year; Another Birthday

  1. SUE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. Great flowers and cake
    2. absolutely adore the socks!!
    3. Happy you had great weather on your special day
    4. wonderful compliment on your age (you youngish 59 !!)
    5.kudos to your hubby for his bbq asparagus and roasted potatoes yummy
    6. have a terrific time at the seafood restaurant this weekend
    7. glad you have a great work environment that recognizes bdays in such special ways
    8. that traffic light situation has happened to me as well
    9 wishing you another year of joy and happiness and much success prof and personally
    10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Thanks you! Sorry for the later reply. It’s been a busy few days. Those socks are really cute – and comfy too! The seafood restaurant was really nice. Thanks for all the good wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the birthday wishes and also for your kind words. It’s been pretty busy this week, actually, but c’est la vie. Yes, at least with the rain, the threat of forest fires is down a little bit. And today it’s sunny again!


  2. You should live to 120! Mazel tov!

    I am rescheduling my fifth birthday (in February) for sometime this summer. I’ve got it all planned and just need to find a date that everyone can make. That way I’ll have everything just the way I want. Of course it hasn’t happened yet but so far I recommend this strategy, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And congratulations on reaching the half-century mark! I plan a lot of things out in my mind too, although they never quite go the way I think they will. But a summer party sounds like a great idea! And if/when it happens, I hope it is just the way you want it.


  3. Happy birthday belatedly, Sue! Celebration or not, it‘s a special day, just in your mind! And maybe the best present was your colleague not believing your actual age 😉.wishing you all the best 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  4. … which was accidentally sent before actually finishing the post, sorry… I’d like to add that I hope you’ll enjoy the French restaurant no matter how the weather may be! As for me I usually don’t make a fuss about my birthday. Lost count so to say. 😉 Have a good time!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy birthday to you! We are nearly twins because I shall be 59 next monday.
    I hope you ‘d have a great time in the French restaurant. Thank you to offer me ideas for next sunday mother’s day family festive meal! I had thought of cold asparagus with a cream sau too.
    My son and daughter are away from home for interships. For the first time, a family time to call on skype will be organized. That will be a very special kind of experience for young and grand parents.
    Good weather, I wish you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And happy birthday to you too! The French restaurant was really good. There was asparagus there too, which was nice, although it was better when my husband barbecued it. My mother’s day was two weeks ago, and actually landed on my older son’s 24th birthday this year! We shared the celebration.
      Hope you have a lovely birthday and a nice mother’s day meal. Enjoy the skype call with your children.


  6. Happy birthday Sue!! I love your “I still got it!” Excellent and a great present. I hope you enjoy the seafood restaurant. I’m more of a steak and potatoes girl myself, so your husband’s dinner would have been right up my alley. 🥩➕🥔

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I’m more steak and potatoes usually as well, although I love prawns and scallops, both of which I had at the restaurant. For the main course, I decided on the mushroom ravioli, which was delicious!

      Liked by 1 person

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